JAK inhibitor IPDMA



RECOVERY has joined, >10’000 IPD received so far

Updated systematic search in January 2024 found another 2 eligible RCTs. Preliminary results will be out soon.

02/01/2024: Data Analysis Pipeline built

Data analysis pipelines for the IPDMA two-stage (primary approach) and one-stage (sensitivity approach) are finalised (click on picture). Preliminary results with 6 trials available. Two further large trial datasets will be added to the pipeline in January.


8 trials have shared data, 5 more have agreed to share

Most major trials have agreed to share their Individual Patient Data. Status of many trials that only have a registry entry is still unclear.

24/09/2023: Data analysis is ongoing

Follow the process in real-time (click on picture)


4 trials have shared data, 6 more have agreed to share

31/07/2023: Study protocol amendment registered

We have made 5 minor changes to the protocol, after input from participating trials and the patient representative. For more information click on the image.

Collaborative coding on GitHub started 29/07/2023

In this GitHub repository (click on image), we collaboratively develop and review the data management and analysis code for the IPDMA. This repository is public, but no actual trial data will be shared, as per signed agreements with the individual trials.

28/07/2023: IPD received from first two RCTs

We have contacted all (potentially) eligible RCTs at least once.

Systematic review completed on 30/06/2023

We completed the systematic review according to the published protocol and identified 34 potentially eligible RCTs. We will now contact all of them. The last column provides an update regarding the data sharing status of the already identified and contacted RCTs.

IPD requested from these RCTs in mid-June 2023

We are looking forward to collaborating with these trials. More eligible trials will be identified.

First search performed on 06/06/2023


The first systematic search according to the search strategy outlined in the protocol was conducted on 06/06/2023 and yielded 1139 hits to screen.

Protocol registered on PROSPERO on 02/06/2023

Send us a message and we will get back to you as soon as possible.